VІІІ конгрес по физикална и рехабилитационна медицина с международно участие

Dear Colleagues and friends,
The Organizing Committee of the 43rd ISMH Congress decided to postponed the registration and abstract submission of the Congress till the 10th April 2018.
I remind you that this congress will also join both the Portuguese and Spanish National Medical Hydrology Congresses.
We hope that you may send your abstracts and registrate
We ask you also to motivate our coleeagues from your own countries to come and participate.
ISMH needs this participation!
Our website is going to be uploaded in the next days. So please pay attention!
But the websitet is on function now for all the registrations and abstract submissions!
So please registrate as soon as possible, at :
http://ismhcongress2018.com/ en/
Take advantage of the special conditions for ISMH members or National Societies Members.
Best regards
Pedro Cantista
ISMH and Congress President