Обучение по биомеханика и инструменти за виртуална реалност в областта на рехабилитацията при инсулт

Training on Biomechanics and Virtual Reality tools in the field of Stroke Rehabilitation 

Learning gide ще намерите в рубриката ESPRM/ISPRM

Dear ESPRM Ambassadors,

we are pleased to inform you about the BRAIN4TRAIN online course with the Biomechanics Institute of Valencia (IBV), based on the use of new technologies, and especially virtual reality to improve the rehabilitation of patients with stroke, which will take place from March 7th .

For further information:


Please find attached also the course guide.

You can use the discount code ESPRM-22IBV, so that to obtain a 25% discount on the normal price.

Best regards,

Meri Pedron

ESPRM Secretariat Assistant